Step 1: Simplify The Process

What is a Blueprint?

After years of working with business owners we decided to create a Learning Management System to create step-by-step guides for entrepreneurs who want to take their business online but don't have the time to learn all the skills or the money to pay someone to do it.

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Step 2: Make It Transferable

What's in a Blueprint?

We use cutting edge AI tools to develop easy to use how to guides that take you or your staff step-by-step through how to adjust and optimize the settings of your store. Perfect for initial setup and onboarding staff into roles as your business grows.

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Event Hosting Business

"This is incredible!"

With the Shopify Blueprint this owner was able to transition from offering their events on a third party website to hosting their entire brand in one location, leading to a 10X growth in their business.

How does this fit in with my business?

I've got an idea for a business but I haven't started yet, what should I do?

If you're starting from scratch with just an idea, it's best to take a step into the water. With our blueprints you can have you store up and running within hours.

We're an established company but want to build our online presence, what's best for us?

With an established brick and mortar brand, you're likely ready to use a lot of turnkey functionalities available in e-commerce. Our blueprints are structured to support businesses operating at scale and bringing in a systematized approach to covering all of the areas of operation.

I have an online store but it doesn't run the way I want it do, how do I fix it?

If your store got away from you, our blueprints are perfectly structured to get into the issues quickly and get your store back on track. Broken out into sections our modules cover each aspect of the platform's features.

We're tired of paying "Experts" to run our online business, how do we bring it in house?

If you have a website that experts have built for you, but want to take more control over its operation, then our Blueprints are the perfect tool to use as an guide for training new staff members without having to spend lengthy time onboarding them into their role or having them navigate the platform's help resources to learn it as they go.

Step-by-Step Guides that Evolve.

Platforms update, they change, they become irrelevant. As your platform updates, so does your blueprint. We'll add updated guides and modules as features change, new technology becomes integrated, and user interfaces update to make sure your operation runs smoothly.

Consolidated Guides for You

One Dashboard. All the Steps.

After years of working with businesses and organizations to build their websites and grow their online businesses we decided to build a resource center of consolidated guides that our customers could have in the palm of their hands.

A new age of possibility

State of the Art Tech. Expertly Optimized.

Using AI powered tools we're able to transfer our years of knowledge and lessons learned with step-by-step instructional guides that get you through the nitty gritty details of building a website that runs smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the blueprint do for me?

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of building a website and running your business online. As you go through each component of a website, you'll have the plans and insight to create something truly unique for your brand.

How long does the blueprint work?

Our blueprints are evolving as the platforms themselves update and change. As your platform changes our team of experts contribute updates with new insights and best practices.

What happens when I'm done with the blueprint?

You keep your access! Contrary to popular belief, websites take maintenance. And when you need to come back to update your settings you'll be able to refer back to the blueprint for easy solve.

What's included in a blueprint?

In each blueprint you get dozens of step-by-step guides that take you through every step of the process of setting up, designing, and operating your business on the platform you purchased. These guides include thousands of individual insights written by experts with years of experience starting, growing, and running businesses online.

Skip The Masterclass.

Time is a precious resource, it's the ultimate commodity. We all can't afford to waste time watching videos on how to do something and then relying on our ability to remember what they said to do. These guides are always there, ready to take you to the next level.

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